Meditation is called Dhyana in Yoga sutras

Yoga sutras are 2400 years old darshan shastra on Yoga practice, including dhyana. It is the final authority on the subject.

There are 7 types of Dhyana.

Dhyana itself is an intermediate step in the process of concentration.

  1. Dharana
  2. Dhyana
  3. Samadhi
  4. Pragya.
  5. Siddhi.

These 5 stages act out in 7 different areas in mind.

  1. Conscious mind -2 stages
  2. Subconscious mind – 2 stages.
  3. Universal mind -1 stage
  4. Infinite mind – 1stage.
  5. Pure consciousness- 1 stage.

In 1st 4 stages, mind is present. It is combined called Sabija samadhi.

The 7th is happening with no mind being present. It is called Nirbija samadhi.

Dharana is when the conscious mind is looking towards an object. Still hovering around an object, not yet fixed on an object.

Dhyana is when the mind is continuous without a break looking at an object

Samadhi is when the thing of Dhyana becomes clearly visible to the mind in full glory.

Pragya is the inner knowledge that emerges out of the object. This knowledge is more profound than superficial cursory knowledge

Siddhi is a super normal power acquired due to Pragya or super normal knowledge acquired by the observing mind.

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